Pumpkins Please!
Melody Schwabe is pretty sure that squashes of all shapes and sizes fill the world with joy. “It’s wonderful to think what happiness pumpkins and our farm can bring to others,” says the owner of Schwabe Pumpkins, a St. Andrews family farm that’s been selling squashes and welcoming visitors since 2004. “I get to work with my family and friends and we get to share all our hard work with so many wonderful families. We have had some customers for over 15 years!”
The heart of Schwabe Pumpkins is a big barn that holds 37 varieties of squash—from minis to jumbos—along with sweet corn, potatoes, gourds, baked goods, floral arrangements and an irresistible pumpkin spice syrup made by Schwabe’s sister.
Outside there are multiple photo ops for fall-themed images along with tractor trikes, a straw bale maze, duck races and food trucks on the weekends. “Our best seller is, unsurprisingly, a plain orange pumpkin,” she says. “But butternut and spaghetti squash are steadily inching up the list.”

Giddy Up!
Fans of the unexplained can join Falcon Beach Ranch for a horseback tour to the site of 1967’s famed Falcon Lake Incident. Riders get an upclose look at of one of North America’s most well-documented UFO sighting spots. In 1967, an amateur geologist witnessed two cigar-shaped objects in the sky. When they landed nearby, he went in for a closer look and suffered burns to his chest. See the sight for yourself during a cabin stay at the ranch in Whiteshell Provincial Park.
Food, Forks and Foul
Don your stretchy pants and head out to one of Manitoba’s small towns for an iconic fall supper. The buffet-style feasts are put together by community volunteers, who make sure you always save room for pie.
Oak Hammock Marsh is a stopover for tens of thousands of waterfowl as they migrate through the flyway on their way to warmer climes. Stop in at the interpretive centre for special events throughout the fall.
Welcome the autumnal equinox at the Oodena Celebration Circle at The Forks, a site that honours 6,000 years of Indigenous history in the area. All are invited to mark the September event with prayers at sunrise.
How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds
When it comes to pumpkins, it’s what’s inside that really counts! When carving your jack-o’-lantern, be sure to save the seeds to toast up for a tasty and healthy treat. The powerhouse seeds are a source of fibre, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and iron.
- Remove and wash seeds Use an ice cream scoop to scrape out the stringy pumpkin pulp containing seeds. Separate seeds into a colander and run water over them to remove excess pulp. (If some pumpkin bits remain, don’t fret—it’ll add an extra hit of flavour.)
- Dry seeds thoroughly Spread washed seeds in a single layer on a paper towel-lined cookie sheet. Pat with more paper towel and let sit for a couple of hours. Dry seeds will ensure an even coating of oil.
- Coat and season Toss dry pumpkin seeds with vegetable or olive oil. Spread evenly onto a cookie sheet; season with salt and pepper, or spice things up with garlic or paprika.
- Roast it all up Preheat oven to 350 F. Set sheet on the centre rack and roast for 12–15 minutes, tossing seeds occasionally to ensure even browning. Remove from oven when golden brown; let cool.

Frightful Fun
Heebie Jeebies in south Winnipeg promises to be so very frightening that kids under 13 are cautioned against entering the four indoor mazes, where costumed characters lurk amid strobe lights and fog. Outside there are photo ops, carnival games and food trucks.
It’s family fun by day and fear by night at Six Pines Haunted Attractions. Partake in the petting zoo, hayrides and a daytime ghoul tour for the younger set before things get creepier at nightfall with the Terror Train and Barn of Doom. And be on the lookout for the iconic Ghostbusters car.
Seven Oaks House has been collecting stories—and spirits—since it was built in 1851. Join Square Peg Tours inside the walls of Winnipeg’s oldest home for a chance encounter with some souls of yesteryear.