Back to the future.
Henry Ford produced cars for the masses: well-designed automobiles that people could afford. Over the decades, Ford's wallet-friendly wheels have become prized collectibles for gearheads around the globe. In Manitoba, get your Ford fix at the annual Flashback Weekend, the province's largest car event (Sept. 6–8).
The three-day auto extravaganza is hosted by the Fabulous 50's Ford Club of Manitoba, a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, restoring and enjoying vintage Fords. Now in its 25th year, the throwback weekend kicks off on Friday evening with a sock hop where guests can twist the night away to a live rock band. Saturday sees a classic car cruise wind along the Red River from Winnipeg to Lockport. But the marquee event happens on Sunday when more than 1,500 vintage models converge on the parking lot of the Garden City Shopping Centre. Bop to live music as you ogle all the fabulous Fords.
What is "auto slalom"?
Combine a driving test with a stopwatch and you get autoslalom (a.k.a. autocross). One at a time, drivers navigate through a closed course to showcase their vehicle-handling skills. The goal: Clock the fastest time with the fewest cones knocked over. The Winnipeg Sports Car Club hosts events each summer:

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Oldies but goodies.
Sunny days bring classic car enthusiasts together.
Proving that good things come in small packages, the Mid Canada Mini Group hosts a show 'n' shine at The Forks, spotlighting classic British Minis. (July 14)
Get revved up with muscle cars at Brandon's Super Run. New this year: a special section for vintage campers and snowmobiles. (Aug. 2–4)
The town of Stonewall rocks out during Quarry Days, an annual weekend festival, which includes a Sunday afternoon show 'n' shine on Main Street. (Aug. 18)
Auctions for newbies.
Ready to dive into the classic car game? Head to a local auction but consider a few practical pointers before raising your paddle.
Attend a couple of auctions to see how they work and observe buyer behaviour.
Get pre-approved. Some auctions require you to apply in advance to bid. This may involve a check on your financials. If you're not paying cash, get preapproved from your lender.
Know your maximum price. And don't go over it. Remember to account for auctioneer commissions, taxes, title and transportation.
Talk to auction staff. They're usually very knowledgeable and can point the auctioneer your way on your desired model.
Avoid the hype. Know the car you like best and avoid getting lured into bidding just because the crowd loves a particular model.