Spring’s the perfect time for CAA Members to soak up the warm weather. But, if you have seasonal allergies, you know that as beautiful as spring can be, it can also bring out some of your worst symptoms. Here’s the rundown on seasonal allergies and how to manage them so you can enjoy the return of spring.
If you have seasonal allergies — also known as allergic rhinitis — pollen in the air causes your immune system to release histamine, which sparks allergy symptoms such as a runny nose, coughing, sneezing, itchy and watery eyes, rashes or hives, and many more. Many find that their symptoms start near March or April, when tree pollen season begins.

Eight ways to make allergy season more tolerable.
While seasonal allergies aren’t preventable, there are a few things you can do to help manage your symptoms.
Check your local pollen forecast and avoid going outside when pollen counts are high
Use a damp cloth to trap and remove dust mites and dust particles from household surfaces
Start taking allergy medication two weeks before allergy season begins
Use a damp cloth to trap and remove dust mites and dust particles from household surfaces

Wear sunglasses when you venture out for extra pollen protection
Replace your furnace filter regularly. You can also use a HEPA air purifier to help remove mold spores
Shower after being outside and change your clothes
Remove plants from your home that cause allergies (even better: ask someone who doesn’t have allergies to remove them for you!)
If you’re doing all you can to keep your seasonal allergies under control but still need relief, Maple can help. Maple is a virtual care platform with Canadian-licensed health care providers who treat common health concerns online.

Enjoy Member-exclusive benefits from Maple.
With your CAA Membership, you have access to Maple, so you and your family can consult with a health care provider online in minutes and receive 24/7 health advice, prescriptions and more. Best of all? Your consultation can take place anywhere, so you can stay inside — far away from pollen — and have your prescription delivered to your door.
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These tips originally appeared in Maple’s medically-reviewed blog: What are seasonal allergies and how do I manage them?