2020 CAA School Safety Patrol Supervisor of the Year Kerri-Ann Sagert

As a grade 4/5 teacher at Agincourt Public School in Toronto, Kerri-Ann Sagert would know a thing or two about what makes students tick. It seems she put that knowledge to very good use over the past year in her position of Patrol Supervisor in the CAA School Safety Patrol® (SSP) program. Kerri-Ann, who keeps the program both cool and fun, recently won the sought-after annual CAA School Safety Patrol Supervisor of the Year award, receiving both an award and a cheque for $1,000 to be used towards the CAA SSP program at her school.
Police Constable Claudia Bednarczyk nominated Kerri-Ann for her extraordinary job. The pair worked together while co-ordinating the CAA SSP program at Agincourt Public School over the past year. PC Bednarczyk describes Kerri-Ann as being “amazing with students, dedicated, easy going, fun and very hard working. I look forward to working with her every year.”
Kerri-Ann doesn’t just teach, she leads by example.
While Kerri-Ann teaches the CAA Patrollers what it means to have pride in what they do, she sets the example by being on time to patrol, attending all the trainings and team meetings and showing the Patrollers how to care for their uniforms. She regularly meets with the Patrollers to address any issues right away before they can become bigger. And while they learn, she makes sure to keep it fun.
This supervisor’s dedication to “safety first” runs deep.
Kerri-Ann starts each school year ahead of the game: she plans and books all training early, selects her student foot and bus Patrollers well ahead of time, even gets all permission forms signed in advance. Every morning she can be found outside supervising the Patrollers and making sure that all school children arrive at school safely. While on duty, she gently reminds parents about safety in and around the school zone.
She also takes her training seriously. After being an SSP Supervisor for 5 years, Kerri-Ann knows that even she needs a refresher on safety practices: she regularly maintains her own skills and knowledge of Patroller duties and passes on her newfound knowledge to keep her Patrollers in the know as well.
Focusing on the current school year and the future.
To keep the SSP program alive and popular, she promotes the program to younger students too. “I believe in everything the program stands for so much that I actively promote the program to younger students at the school, who may become Patrollers themselves,” explains Sagert.
Past annual awards have been handed out at formal ceremonies, however social distancing guidelines called for celebrations to be virtual this year. Attended by Patrollers, teachers and supervisors in Ontario and Manitoba, the online celebration recognized both the outstanding Student Patroller and Supervisor of the Year.
The CAA School Safety Patrol program is now in its 91st year. It runs in over 900 Ontario schools with 20,000 volunteer CAA School Safety Patrollers. For more details about the program, visit: www.caaschoolsafetypatrol.com. Photo: Left to right: Kerri-Ann Sagert, teacher at Agincourt Junior Public School and CAA School Safety Patrol Supervisor of the Year Award Winner 2020. Toronto Police Constable Jenelle Higo, Traffic Services. Robert McKone, Principal at Agincourt Junior Public School in Toronto.
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