Staff members describe Grade 6 students Addison Brinn and Aydenne Beauvais as inseparable. They share a can-do approach, boundless energy and great respect from teachers and peers. Little wonder that together, these two natural leaders were able to accomplish big things.
As a CAA School Safety Patroller, Addison always delivers more than is expected. Even when not on duty, she can be found waiting for the scheduled patroller to arrive, to ensure that the younger students are taken care of. Not only has Addison never missed a shift, but she often picks up extra ones by filling in for peers who are sick, absent or forget their shift. Outside of patrol duty, Addison is an avid volunteer around school who takes special care with those students with greater needs.
Equally enthusiastic, Aydenne Beauvais is a natural problem solver who fearlessly takes on new challenges. She can be counted on to attend Patroller meetings armed with suggestions for improvement. When Aydenne is not busy with the CAA School Safety Patrol program, she can be found in the gym practicing for the school’s soccer, volleyball, basketball and cross-country teams. Aydenne also volunteers for Eco Club and is a lunch helper in the Kindergarten classroom.
New initiatives.
Together, Addison and Aydenne have taken on several initiatives to help improve the Patroller program at their school. They created a bus record sheet to ensure that no student gets left behind. When kindergarteners showed difficulty staying in line, they introduced a buddy system of younger and older students for improved safety. When a bus driver wasn’t waiting for attendance checks, they addressed the issue directly and resolved the situation. But perhaps most impressive was this dynamic duo’s campaign to have a No Parking sign installed near the bus drop off spot. With the sign now in place, the area is free of vehicular traffic and the students are picked up and dropped off safely.
On an ongoing basis, Addison and Aydenne address students who are challenging Patrollers, monitor Patroller attendance and fill in where necessary by working extra shifts and re-scheduling jobs.
It was a combination of all of these efforts that demonstrated how these two Patrollers used teamwork and leadership skills to directly impact the safety of their school and community.
Congratulations, Addison and Aydenne!