Can you remember a great school teacher that’s made a difference in your life? Someone who’s helped encourage and steer you in the right direction or develop qualities you didn’t even know you had?
We’re honoured at CAA South Central Ontario that we can acknowledge the amazing work of teachers through the annual CAA School Safety Patrol Supervisor of the Year award. The award is given to a teacher that demonstrates leadership qualities, safety skills, dedication, morale building and a desire to advance the educational and safety benefits of patrollers and students. This year we were lucky enough to present the award to two teachers, who work as a team at the same school. We asked the Anjali Hall, Vice Principle of École élémentaire Carrefour des jeunes in Brampton to tell us about the award winners. Here’s what she had to say:
“Félicitations – Congratulations to CAA School Saftey Patrol Supervisors of the Year 2016 – Serge & Stacy
Serge Robert has worked tirelessly over the years as Patrol Supervisor at École Carrefour des jeunes in Brampton. This year Stacy Bernard agreed so graciously to share the role of Patrol Supervisor with him. This duo worked hand-in-hand all year to ensure students’ safety was taken seriously by all.
Every morning and afternoon the Patrol Supervisors are outside to welcome patrollers and students off the buses and follow-up with bus drivers on behaviour and safety issues. If needed, they meet with students to deal with issues straight-on and follow-ups are made with the parents and Vice-Principal as needed.
We are honoured that our very own dynamic duo have been awarded CAA School Safety Patrol Supervisors of the year award. Their dedication, patience, good humour and collaboration are only a few reasons why they deserve this recognition. Bravo Serge et Stacy!”
Over 800 schools in Ontario participate in the CAA School Safety Patrol program and CAA SCO partners with over 55 police services to deliver the program. For more information, visit