Scammers use all sorts of methods to trick people into giving up information or money, and online shopping is rife with opportunities. Shopping scams happen through ads on social media, fraudulent online gift card sales, imitation websites and apps, and offers through email and online buy-and-sell groups.
Claudio Martinez, chief marketing officer for cyberconIQ®, says falling victim to an online shopping scam—particularly in the busy holiday shopping season— depends on your personal risk style, but you can protect yourself by following S.A.V.E.:
Stop Pause to think before responding or proceeding with a purchase.
Ask Ask yourself whether it’s real or fake. Consider whether the offer seems too good to be true.
Validate Double-check the site or offer. Do a Google search to confirm that it’s a valid website, and check if the site is secure by looking for the lock symbol in the address bar.
Engage If you still aren’t sure, check with others. Talk with a friend or family member for another opinion.
Want to learn more? S.A.V.E. is just one of the topics covered by the personalized cybersecurity education program, available free to CAA Members through cyberconIQ®. Determine your personal risk level at your own pace, via tips and effective ways to protect your personal identity and financial data online.
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